Wednesday, July 21, 2010


With all this heat, I find myself looking forward to cool and crisp fall days. Isn't that always the way it is? No matter where we find ourselves, our desires eventually run to something else. This can be a problem if we're never content, but one way to correct our perspective is to recognize that we ARE made for something more than the moment we are in. It's that "tension" thing again - not missing the good of the time we're in, but not camping in that moment either.

Our family is in a season of transition again. (There have been quite a few of those over the past four years!) Abigail is away today on her first solo drive out of town. She's camping with some folks from our church, and I'm delighted to see her taking on new challenges and developing deeper relationships with other families. I'm also aware of feeling more and more like a spectator of her life. There is a bitter-sweetness to all this; I wouldn't have her stay a child and I'm proud of her moving forward, but I also cherish those sweet times when she was younger and more easily encouraged and comforted. The new blessing is that now we are learning to appreciate each other as adult sisters in Christ.

The other big change is that we are wrapping up our homeschooling years (as far as we can tell!) Hope will be going to high school at her dad's school this year, so this summer is a time of getting ready. She has a more challenging summer reading list. She's reviewing her Latin in preparation for being in a classroom environment. And, we're shopping for clothes - school uniforms instead of jeans! She and I both are ambivalent about this transition. I know she's ready for the new challenges, and I've been so encouraged to see her maturity increase over the past year. But, I'm going to miss her!

I am thankful for so many good memories. As I realize that I have more years behind me than in front of me (unless I set a new world record for age!), I have to remind myself that I need to press forward with as much energy and eager anticipation as I did as a twenty-something. There are grandchildren to be loved! There are young people to be taught! There's a wonderful man who still needs an encouraging and loving home to come to each day. And, God is still at work in training my character and molding my heart. I'm not finished yet, so I don't want to waste time longing for those good things (or regretting those not-so-good things) of past years.

Seasons change. Each one has its blessings and challenges, but there's always the reminder that the new season is on the way. What a testimony to God's faithfulness! And what cause for hope!

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